How I Cleaned My Mold Infested Shower and Bathtub In Just Seconds... Without Any Scrubbing!

Rachel Manfield | 7 DAYS AGO

I was ecstatic when I bought my first house a few years ago. Finally getting my family out of a two bedroom apartment and into a 2,000 square foot home with a detached garage was the American Dream come true for me.

Fast forward just a few weeks later, and I was overwhelmed. The honeymoon period of having our own space was fading. Instead of a two bed 1 bath apartment, we now had a full-blown house to keep clean, and it was a lot more work than I realized.

We didn’t have enough money to renovate our new home that were being used 20 years by previous owner so we decided to clean it ourselves.

I went to the department store and rounded up a slew of cleaning supplies and I went to town; I’m talking sprays, steel-wool pads, green scrubbies and the big yellow gloves—I did the whole bit, but I was disappointed with the results. The hardest areas to clean seemed immune to everything I could throw at them. I was having a hard time with the buildup on my tile floors, the kitchen oven and stove, and worst was the mold growing in the shower and bathtub. Take a look at this:

Scrubbing the bathtub almost broke my back!

I decided I must be doing something wrong. I know a lot of people who have houses, and they don’t look dirty like this, I thought. There must be some secret I’m not aware of.

I did the only thing I knew to do; I called the one person whose house I knew was consistently immaculate on a daily basis.

“It just takes a lot of work, son,” my mother said on the phone, “you have to scrub and spray and scrub some more.”

“Yeah,” I said, looking down at my cracked and scabbed knuckles, “I’ve already done that. Isn’t there anything else I can try? It just seems like mold in the bathroom is really stubborn and never goes away.”

“You could try Splash Spray. It’s an all-around cleaner suitable for almost every purpose. I found out about it a few months ago, and I’ve been using it ever since. It makes cleaning a lot easier for me.”

I knew all too well how long it took me to scrub and clean the two and a half bath, three bedroom house I was in, and the idea that there could be a magic bullet to make that quicker and easier was tempting. I trust my mother more than most people, but I wanted to make sure to do some research on this Splash Spray to make sure it was everything she said it was.

What Is It And How Does It Work?

Splash Spray is a powerful integrated cleaning agent suitable for almost any purpose. Made with quick-fizz technology, it creates super suds that help loosen stubborn dirt and grime for a perfect cleaning experience. The innovative Splash Spray was designed specifically for heavy duty cleaning with eco-friendly and non-toxic ingredients that are guaranteed not to harm your skin or any curious pets. The breakthrough formula for this heavy duty but safe for home use is the absence of fluorescent agents and the use of natural biological enzymes to decompose stains—this product is environmentally friendly AND strong enough to put a stress-free shine on trouble areas like bathtubs and showers, kitchen range hood stains, toilet floor stains, even the interior of your car and wood polish. When nothing else works, you know you need Splash Spray!

But…Is It Really Worth All This Hype?

So far, Splash Spray has sold over 2 million units directly to consumers, even without the advantage of being sold in stores. Splash Spray has been SELLING OUT every time new stock becomes available, it’s become THAT popular.

And, it’s all from word of mouth. People just like you are loving it so much that they’re posting about it on Instagram and telling everyone they know about it!

Sarah Bennett
San Jose, CA
Sarah Bennett My husband and I bought a 115-year-old house a year ago, and I have been scrubbing the ever-loving hell out of a gross oven that was hopelessly stained with grease that would just "not" come off. I watched YouTube videos about how to clean an oven in this state, and they still detailed how I'de need to unhook it from water and use a ton of products, so I had been putting it off until I was motivated by some sort of snapping point and had a couple hours. I saw this in an online article, and thought it was good to be true but bought it anyway. After soaking, this stuff cleaned that nasty oven in TWO MINUTES, with only moderate scrubbing on the areas where the buildup was really bad.
#splashspray #clean #oven #easy #cleaningtips
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3 days ago
George Howerton
Youngstown, OH
George Howerton As a housekeeper, I like to consider myself an expert on cleaning products. I've treid so many but SplashFoam Spray is like nothing I've ever tried before, so effective with such minimal effort, and best of all, no streaks!
#housekeeping101 #easyclean
View all 8 comment
3 days ago

I Tried It Myself

After doing the research and seeing the overwhelming number of positive reviews, I knew I had to give the Splash Spray a try for myself. I knew a wonder cleaner like this wouldn’t be sold in stores yet, so I went to their official website and ordered one. It arrived at my house in 2 days!

First thing I tried was of course my shower and bathtub. First I put the tablet and water into the spray bottle that came with it and wait for couple mintues for it to dissolve.

I sprayed every single corner of my bathtub and then I waited couple seconds for it to fully dissolve all of the mold. Followed by instruction, I simply wiped it off and here is the result:

Normally, I would save the upstairs bathroom for a different day, but I was so excited by the results and how easy it was, I immediately ran up stairs to tackle that job:

It’s hard to put it into words, the relief I felt when I used the Splash Spray to clean my house. I didn’t have to spend two hours in the downstairs bathroom and another 2 hours in the upstairs bathroom. I didn’t have to get my fingers and hands cut up from steel-wool brushes and bleach. I was able to get the gentle scent of this natural cleaner to replace that industrial chemical smell of the cleaners I was used to. It was literally as easy as spray and wipe, and I did that on repeat for the super moldy areas (my tub, shower tiles and grout) until they were perfect. I’m so excited about this, I have to show everyone I know.

Knowing that Splash Spray is safer than typical household cleaning supplies, it really is the best of both worlds. After a week of using it every day, initially to get the deep cleaning done and every day after to maintain that perfect shine, I can’t recommend it enough!

In fact, it worked so well in getting rid of the mold off my shower and bathtub, I decided to try it out in the kitchen. Take a look…






Seriously, I even tried it on my prized wooden coffee table, and it brought out a great shine, no additional polishing required:

How Much Does It Cost?

It’s available for $19.99 on their official website, an ABSOLUTE STEAL!

Is It Worth It?

The Splash Spray is the best home cleaning product I’ve ever purchased. It’s literally an all-in-one cleaner for a very reasonable price. I get so much use out of it, and it cuts down on the overall cleaning time, so I can spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying my beautiful new home. I recommend this to everyone I know who is tired of putting in a lot of elbow grease for marginal cleaning results. If you have stubborn stains or some pesky mold buildup that typical cleaning products don’t seem to get rid of, look no further than Splash Spray. It’s made all the difference for me, and I’m sure it will for you, too.


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